Thursday, July 17, 2008

Surgery Follow-up Day/Post-Op Day #7

My headache is 75% better vote is for sinusitis! This should convince me to finish all of the antibiotics.

Today I went to Dr. Alexander's (OS) office for my first official post-op! Overall, everything seems to be going fine. He was actually surprised at the extent of my swelling, because he felt that the surgery couldn't have gone smoother. I also received some clarification that he had performed a Lefort I, which essentially detaches your upper jaw all the way around, splits it in the middle, and then just lets it hang inside the sutured gums. This "hanging" is why I was having all the disturbing sensations with swallowing early on. When he does a Lefort I, but actually moves the upper jaw forward, the jaw is re-anchored with plates which makes things more stable and comfortable. This actually gives me hope for the 2nd surgery in a year or so... While I was in the office, cranking began. He turned the expander 2 cranks equaling 1/2mm. Immediately after the turns, my two front teeth had a tiny space between them. The cranking wasn't painful, but you had the sensation that your sinuses were opwning up a little!

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