Monday, July 14, 2008

Post-Op Day #4

As expected, everyday the swelling gets a little better and I can move my mouth a little more. Two interesting turns of events -- both lower cheeks are a sickly shade of yellow and my upper teeth are loose. Up until this point, I literally thought I had no bruising. All of a sudden, both lower cheeks are bright yellow which is a normal color several days into bruising. It's almost like the blood has finally settled to the lowest point -- I also seem to have gained a double chin (check out the picture once I post it). Since I'm feeling more in my mouth I also noticed that my upper teeth are loose -- all of them! At first I thought it was just my jaw shifting around, which I think is part of it, but the teeth themselves wiggle around like I'm 8 years old! Even the sheer act of walking causes them to move. I finally had to stop touching them SO THAT MY TEETH DON'T FALL OUT! :) I made my husband call the OS and he confirmed that this was normal. Swallowing is also a little easier today -- less bone shifting overall. I tried to eat some soft meat at dinner and again it was a disaster. Knowingly swallowing your food whole is just too weird (sort of like a snake). I instead went to Ukrops and bought some 500 calorie smoothies with 30g of protein.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you annemarie for your info. i have decided to NEVER have this surgery. sounds like a horror movie.